What would you like to hear about from Ted Neward?
Nimret Sandhu
2014-01-20 08:27:19 UTC
Hey Folks,

Ted Neward (http://www.tedneward.com/) has offered to speak about some
java/jvm related topic to the group and is soliciting what you are
interested in hearing about. So what would people like to hear/learn more

Nimret Sandhu
2014-01-20 18:51:30 UTC

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<DIV dir=ltr>Hey Folks,
<DIV>Ted Neward (<A href="http://www.tedneward.com/" target=_blank>http://www.tedneward.com/</A>)&nbsp;has offered to speak about some java/jvm related topic to the group and is soliciting what you are interested in hearing about. So what would people like to hear/learn more about?</DIV>
<DIV dir=ltr>
<DIV>-</DIV>Nimret Sandhu<BR><A href="http://www.nimret.org/" target=_blank>http://www.nimret.org</A></DIV></DIV></DIV></DIV>
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Nimret Sandhu
2014-01-23 04:39:17 UTC
Since Sun made java open source, I presume there must be some
customized/bastardized compilers and jvms.
I'd be curious to hear about them: there perils and merits.
actually different VMs have been around for a pretty long time in Java
land. I remember looking at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jikes_RVM in the
late 90s. jikes used to be a great alternative to javac for compiling jsp
pages back in the model-1 days.

Thanks for the feedback. What about others on the list? What are you
interested in learning more about?

I'd also be interested in hearing about tuning java applications via
command line switches.
Maybe some demos on how to use JConsole and mbeans to diagnose performance
How about some nitty gritty discussions of why java is so slow when it
starts up eclipse?
The slow startup time for desktop java apps is a cause of great
consternation for some. I heard one explanation (I think it was from Ted
Neward at a Denver JUG presentation) that, compared to other languages like
C# and C++, java has a very slow startup time because it is sanity
checking all the class and jar files for security reasons.
Is this true? I'd like to hear more about that.
Oh -- how about a comparison of the different JVMs?
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [seajug] What would you like to hear about from Ted Neward?
Date: Mon, January 20, 2014 12:27 am
Hey Folks,
Ted Neward (http://www.tedneward.com/) has offered to speak about some
java/jvm related topic to the group and is soliciting what you are
interested in hearing about. So what would people like to hear/learn more
Nimret Sandhu