WingDing Study Group meeting on Sept 24, Reactive Programming + Akka
Robert Kuhar
2013-09-23 05:10:25 UTC
The WingDing Study Group (http://tech.groups.yahoo.com/group/wingding)
begins our exploration of Reactive Programming and Akka.

The next meeting is...
Tuesday, Sept 24 7:00 to 9:00 PM

FlowPlay, Inc.
114 Alaskan Way South, Suite 100
Seattle, WA 98104

We kick off this iteration with The Reactive Manifesto (
http://www.reactivemanifesto.org/) and Chapter 1: Introduction of the Akka
docs (http://doc.akka.io/docs/akka/2.2.1/intro/index-java.html). Bob will
lead the discussion.

For the Akka framework we are going to try to see how far we can get using
just the documentation at http://akka.io/docs/ . The PDF is 11 chapters
and 300 some odd pages. The plan is to explore Akka in both Java and Scala
leaving it up to the individual to select which language they would like to
use. The belief is that the concepts are the same. If this doesn't work
out, we will favor the Java implementation.

The tentative schedule is

Sep 24: The Reactive Manifesto http://www.reactivemanifesto.org/
Sep 24: Chapter 1: Introduction - 9 pages
Oct 08: Chapter 2: General - 55 pages
Oct 22: Chapter 3: Actors - 78 pages
Nov 12: Chapter 4: Futures and Agents - 15 pages
Nov 26: Chapter 5: Networking - 110 pages
Dec 10: Chapter 5: Networking - 110 pages
Jan 14: Chapter 6: Utilities - 25 pages
Jan 14: Chapter 7: HowTo: Common Patterns - 5 pages
Jan 28: Chapter 8: Experimental Modules - 21 pages
Chapter 9: Information for Akka Developers - 12 pages
Chapter 10: Project Information - 10 pages
Chapter 11: Additional Information - 2 pages

Bring some money if you would like to get in on the pizza. All are welcome.

