Interest in open CXF and/or Web Services Security training course?
Dennis Sosnoski
2013-11-13 21:29:16 UTC
I'm considering offering open courses (as opposed to the closed in-house
training courses I usually deliver) on CXF Web Services and/or Web
Services Security in the Seattle area. Is this something that would
interest people?

CXF 3.0 is going to be out soon with a new set of features and
extensions to a lot of the existing features, including the REST
support, so it's a great time to update your skills on that. If you're
still using one of the older web services stacks it's also a great time
to look at upgrading to CXF. I haven't updated this page yet for CXF
3.0, but it gives you the basic outline:

On the security front, I could offer either a short course focused on
the basic technologies and SSL/TLS (for the sake of those using
REST-like exchanges) or a full course covering the whole WS-*
technologies stack. See http://www.sosnoski.com/security.html for the
outline of this training.

Please respond to me directly if you'd be interested in participating in
an open class on one of these topics. Of course, I'm also still doing
in-house trainings if your organization wants a team brought up to speed!

- Dennis
Dennis M. Sosnoski
Java Web Services Consulting <http://www.sosnoski.com/consult.html>
CXF and Web Services Security Training
Web Services Jump-Start <http://www.sosnoski.com/jumpstart.html>